De Vorki, David H. (1986). Practical Astronomy, published for the National Air and Space Museum by the Smithsonian Institute Press. Washington, D.C.
Encernaz, T., Bibring, J.P. & Blanc, M. (1987 ). Astronomy and Astrophysics. Springer - Verlag. New York.
This text provides the major content of astronomy and provide sample problems.
Freedman, Roger A., Kaufmann, William J. (2000). Universe. W. H. freeman & Company. New York.
This is the text book recommended for the seminar. It covers the material extensively and provide the mathematical implications in the section called tool for the trade.
Holliday, Keith (1998). Introductory Astronomy, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Protheroe, W. M., Capriotti, E.R., & Newson, G. H. (1981). Exploring the Universe. Second Edition. Charles E. Merril publishing Company, Columbus, Ohio.
This is an older text book written for non math undergraduate students in astronomy.
Seaborn, James, ( 1998 ). Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Physics and astrophysics, Springer- Verlag, New York.
This text provides a good integration of the mathematics and physics and astronomy. It is an excellent resource for problems.