Research shows that thinking and physical education, movement, breaks, recess and energizing activities are an effective cognitive strategy to strengthen learning, improve memory and retrieval and enhance learner motivation and morale.
As explained earlier, we know that the brain is divided into two halves. If we want the brain to run at full speed it’s important that we keep the right and left sides connected. To enhance this right-left, the child must perform many movements where the midline is crossed. The midline is the line dividing the body in half from the chin to the belly button. An exercise called the cross crawl helps coordinate the right and left brain by exercising the information flow between the two halves. It is useful for spelling, writing, listening, reading and comprehension. First, while standing or sitting, put the right hand across the body to the left knee as you raise it and then do the same thing for the left hand on the right knee just as if you are marching. Do this for 2 minutes.
In the student’s “I am Special” books, have them track their progress on a chart like this one below: