To introduce students to their bodies, their parts, their functions, and their location. Materials: Roll of newsprint from your local newspaper office. A detailed book on the human body that can give you pictures of the body parts. Crayons, Markers, Pencils, Glue. Teacher Preparation:
You can draw whatever body parts you want to learn ahead of time, copy how many you need, and cut them out ahead of time, then have the kids color them in class. Or you can let the kids cut and color them in class.
Procedure: Provide a book that illustrates the human body with explanation on different organs. Focus on the basic organs: heart, stomach, intestines, liver, brain, esophagus, lungs, and bladder. Before making our ‘bodies’ teach these organs individually. Explain what each one is, what it does, and how we can take care of it. For example, the liver: to have a healthy liver it’s important to drink enough water. The teacher can then give a copy of each organ for each child. Whatever organ students learned on that day, can be cut out and colored and kept in their folder. Students can work with a partner. Each partner takes a turn ‘tracing’ their partner’s body outline onto a long piece of newsprint paper with a pencil. Then each student gets their ‘body parts’ out and glues them onto their body in the proper places. Once this is done, I let them decorate their bodies with hair, eyes, mouth, nose, nails, ect. They name their ‘person’ and we tape them on the walls around the room.