New Haven follows the 2005 Connecticut State World Language Curriculum Framework, which are based on the work of the National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project (1996) as well as recent research findings in world language education. Although this unit incorporates all nine content standards in some way, it focuses on the following four, as indicated below.
World Language Content Standard 1 – COMMUNICATION (INTERPERSONAL)
Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions. (Interpersonal)
Students will engage in conversation about fast food items, menus, and advertising, including exchanging opinions, considering reasons for those opinions, ordering items and asking companions what they would like to order.
World Language Content Standard 2 –COMMUNICATION (INTERPRETIVE)
Students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics. (Interpretive)
Students will understand and interpret fast food menus, websites, advertisements, and take-out lists (what family members request in note form).
World Language Content Standard 6 – CONNECTIONS (INTRADISCIPLINARY)
Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. (Intradisciplinary)
Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology (interactive websites and menus), print (printed menus and print ads), audiovisual media (videoclips of commercials),[ data, and human resources.]
World Language Content Standard 8 –COMPARISON AMONG CULTURES
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
Students will begin to demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons French and American fast food.