Crecia C. Swaim
Although the online menus for Kentucky Fried Chicken and Quick are quite interactive, for some exercises they may prove to be a bit too much so. This activity will have students comparing kid's meals at Quick and KFC; print out the menu options rather than have students use the interactive site. I recommend using the following website for the Quick menus, as it reads more like a traditional document: This is the listing of different menus – fixed price meals, offered at locations in the north central area of France. Print and cut out the bottom two options, Le Menu Top (ages 8-12) and La Magic Box (ages 3-7). The KFC website,, doesn't change URL addresses with each click, so to get to the menu options, follow this click path: Home Découvrez Nos Produits Menus Énfants (Nouveau) – Boxy. Then follow the same path and click Ze Bag (ages 3-6) instead of Boxy (ages 7-12).
Pair students and give each pair an envelope with each menu option on separate paper (each group will have four papers, two from Quick and two from KFC). Students will work together to complete a graphic organizer comparing each meal by the following categories: Choice/Variety (Choix/Variété), Cost (Co—te), Health (Santé), Advertising/Packaging (Publicité/Emballage), Toy (Jouet – don't forget to relate it to the verb jouer), Quantity of Food (Quantité de Nourriture). The graphic organizer should be double-sided, with two columns per side; students should decide if they want to put both meals from the same restaurant on one side or if the meals geared towards a particular age level from each restaurant should go on the same side. Each column should have the equivalent of a pro/con dividing line so that students can take notes on the pros and cons of each meal or package. An example of the organizer can be found in: Appendix B – Kid's Meal Graphic Organizer
Pairs will determine the best meal in each category, as well as an overall winner. Results will be tallied and discussed. This will help prepare students for the culminating project detailed below.