Objective: Students will understand that the Trait Mate is a symbol that explains needed elaboration of the character in a story and can be used to remember this.
Shared Instruction
* Read the story
Rainbow Fish
* Read an example of the story devoid of elaboration. Compare the two stories. Ask students what they learned about the character and how. Draw the symbols associated with each component that they describe (sensory detail, feelings, thoughts, dialogue, others responses, appearance, character traits).
* Combine the symbols to make the Trait Mate. Explain that this symbol will help them remember to include these parts in their writing. When one describes a character's trait through the feelings, thoughts, actions, others' reactions, it is called characterization. This is what makes a story more interesting and brings the character to life for the reader.
* Ask students to turn and talk to their partners about other character traits of
Rainbow Fish
* Have students will name the traits while you list them.
* Ask students to turn and talk to their partners about some of their own character traits.
* Have students name some of their own character traits while you list them.
* Characterization can also be explained mathematically as an addition problem, describing that all the parts work together to elaborate a trait. It is important for and will help students to elaborate and understand characterization.
A character's actions+ feelings + thoughts + dialogue = character's trait
Independent Practice: Character Traits
*Ask students to draw their portrait as they think about their character traits.
* Students will list 6-8 of their own personal character traits under their portrait.
* Mount and display the students' work. These portraits will not only build trait vocabulary but also serve as a beautiful visual display of the students' character traits to begin the unit.