Beck, Isabell, Margaret McKeown, and Linda Kucan.
Bringing Words to Life.
2002. Research based, methodical vocabulary instruction highlighting the importance of building vocabulary as the foundation for growing writers and readers.
Carter, Rita.
Mapping the Mind
. Berkeley, Los Angelos: University of California Press, 2010. A fascinating book explaining complex roadmaps of thought and cognitive processes based on most recent brain research; elaborate illustrations and photographs.
Crevola, Vinis.
Let's Talk About It.
New York: Mondo Publishing, 2005. An instructional guide to the Mondo Oral Language program; a research based program of explicit oral language lessons for the acquisition of language structure and development as the foundation for reading and writing.
Pathway to Writing.
Mondo Publishing, 2006. An instructional guide to the Mondo writing program ; a research based discussion of writing development in relation to oral language, spelling and reading.
Crow, David.
Left to Right/ The Cultural Shift from Words
to Pictures
. Singapore: AVA Publishing SA, 2006.A descriptive perspective of left and right brain thinking about images and an extensive exploration of the history and growing importance of visual communicate.
Edwards, Betty.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.
New York: Penguin Putnam Press, 1999. Interesting discussion of left and right brain activity, creativity, function and particularly its application to drawing.
Galotti, Kathleen.
Cognitive Psychology In and Out
of the Laboratory
. Belmont, CA.: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2004. A comprehensive text of cognitive development.
Johnson, Glen Dr.
Traumatic Brain Injury Survival Guide.
Traverse City, MI. 2010. Based on most recent research associated with traumatic brain injury, this online book contains an explicit discussion of brain function and information processing.
Marzano, Robert.
What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action.
Development, 2003. A comprehensive collection of research supported teaching strategies. Non-linguistic representations- Symbols, as teaching tools, are at the top if the list.
Marzano, Robert, Debra Pickering and Jane Pollock.
Classroom Instruction that Works.
2001. A comprehensive resource of research based teaching strategies that are proven to increase student achievement.
. Comprehension Connections, Bridges to Strategic Reading,
An excellent resource for the application of metacognitive reading strategies. The Trait Mate symbols can be applied to many of these reading strategies.
McQuade, Donald and Christine McQuade.
Seeing and Writing 4.
Boston and New
St. Martin's
An eye-opening extensive discussion of the possibilities in the ways one can communicate; a study of the relationship between words and images; the impact of each separately and together, the choices they each offer, including elaborate examples from gifted artists of the word and image. The Trait Mate symbol dances with these theories, inspiring one to write by what one sees.
Schrecengost, Maity.
Writing Wizardry
. Gainesville: Maupin House, 2010. An extensive collection of specific writing mini lessons for a wide range of writing skills. .
Shelton, Leilen.
. New York: Scholastic, 2009. A must have resource to expand writing vocabulary and bring life to children's stories! If the words are available, students are more likely to use them. Expansive vocabulary for emotions, actions, character traits, sensory detail as well as synonyms for common "boring words". These brilliant words will empower and inspire students to write.
Tufte, Edward.
Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative.
Cheshire, CT: Graphic Press, 1997. A variety of brilliant and creative examples of visual explanations. Tufte discusses the ability and value of complex ideas and information to be represented visually--inspiring for educators as communicators of information!
Williams, Robert, and John Stockmyer.
Unleashing the Right Side of the Brain The LARC Creativity Program, The Systematic Approach for Unlocking Creative Potential.
Lexington, MA.: The Steven Green Press, 1987. In addition to a comprehensive discussion of the left and right brain functions, Williams and Stockmyer describe an innovative look into the undeveloped, undervalued, untapped power of the brain's creative potential and a systematic approach to access creative thinking.