1. Handley, Marshall, Coon.
Principals of Engineering
. 2012. Delmar Cengage Learning. Some insight on the history of engineering.
2. Kosky, Wise, Salmer, Keat.
Exploring Engineering: An Introduction to Engineering and Design
. Second edition 2010. A good overall book on engineering.
3. Wacker, James P, Smith, Mathew S.
Standard Plans for Timber Bridge Superstructures
. Information on wooden bridges.
4. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Forest Products Laboratory. Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material. Excellent website for forestry research and development of wood.
5. CT Historic Highway Bridges. www.past.inc.org/historic-bridges/. Website on stone bridges, draw-bridges, and highway bridges.
6. Segal, Naomi. Article: Maccabiah Bridge. JWeekly.com. Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 1997.
7. Eli Whitney Museum and Workshop: The Town Bridge. www.eliwhitney.org/new/museum/-historic-site/bridge. A lattice bridge.
8. CT Department of Transportation. www.i95newhaven.com. Good up-to-date source for information on the Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge.
9. ENR New York. http://newyork.construction.com/projects/02_TopProjects13_Tomlinson.asp. Factual information about materials and cost about the Tomlison Bridge in New Haven, CT.
10. East Haven Patch. http://east haven.patch.com/articles/dot-rehabilitation-of-farm-river-bridge-to-be-considered. Interesting information about old stone bridges.
11. New Haven Register. www.newhavenregister.com. Article on the Farm River Bridge in East Haven, CT. 4/26/12.
12. Bridge Basics-A Spotters Guide to Bridge Design. http://pghbridges.com/basics.htm. Nice color sketches of various bridges showing basic design.
13. Glydon, Natasha.
Suspension Bridges
. Math Central. http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/beyond/articles/Architecture/ConstructionANDDesign.html. Basic information on suspension bridges and the parabolic cable design.
14. The Royal Academy of Engineering.
The Mathematics of Framed Bridge Structures
. http://raeng.org.uk. An example of the mathematics of a truss bridge.
15. Math Warehouse.
Focus and Directrix of Parabola
. http://www.mathwarehouse.com/quadratic/parabola/focus-and-directrix-of-parabola.php. Focus and Directrix of a parabola explained with pictures and diagrams.php. Focus and Directrix of a parabola explained with pictures and diagrams.
16. Purplemath.
Conics: Parabolas: Introduction
. http://www.purplemath.com/modules/parabola.htm. Ancient's derivation of the parabolic equation.
17. Van Tassel, Paul. Department of Chemical and Environmental
Engineering. Yale University. Seminar: Engineering in the K-12 Classroom: Math and Science Education for the 21
Century Workforce
. A look at several engineering categories.
18. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia.org. I used this encyclopedia for general information on bridges and the parabola.