When we talk about bridges, we talk about civil engineering and at the helm of civil engineering is the civil engineer. So, what does a civil engineer do? He or she plans, designs, tests, and/or supervises projects. Projects that may include anything from buildings, dams, and roads to medical equipment and cell phones. Just about anything that improves society or the environment needs a civil engineer.
A civil engineer not only must consider normal and severe weather conditions when working on structures such as buildings or bridges, but also, the potential for natural disasters as hurricanes and earthquakes.
He or she must be adept at one or more of the disciples of science, math, chemistry, physics, and computer technology. Projects may be hands-on and involve teams of a few members to several hundred. An engineer must be able to communicate and work well with others.
Engineers are creative people who find ingenious solutions to solve society's problems or create new products such as the more recent computers. Other fields of engineering include aerospace, agriculture, chemistry, computers, electrical, industrial and mechanical.