Albers, Peggy. "Theorizing Visual Representation in Children's Literature."
Journal of Literacy Research
40 (2008): 163-200. Discussion on the theory of looking and seeing.
Brizuela, Barbara M. "Young Children's Notations for Fractions."
Educational Studies in Mathematics
62 (2006): 281-305. Analysis of how young children represent fractions.
Calder, Nigel. "The Layering of Mathematical Interpretations through Digital Media
." Educational Studies in Mathematics
80 (2012): 269-285. An article on interpreting mathematics through digital media.
Charalambous, Charalombos Y. and Demetra Pitta-Pantazi. "Drawing on a Theoretical Model to Study Students' Understanding of Fractions."
Educational Studies in Mathematics
64 (2007): 293-316. Theorizing how students understand fraction.
Groff, Patrick. "Is Teaching Fractions a Waste of Time."
The Clearing House
69 (1996): 177-179. Debate on how much emphasis teachers should place on teaching fractions.
Kostos, Kathleen, Kui-kyung shin et al. "Using Math Journals to Enhance Second Graders' Communication of Mathematical Thinking."
Early Childhood Education Journal
38 (2010): 223-231. Research project determining how 2
graders use journals to communicate their thinking in math.
Moyer, Patricia. "Communicating Mathematically: Children's Literature as a Natural Connection."
The Reading Teacher
54 (2000): 246-255. Connecting children's literature to understanding math and problem solving.
Shatzer, Joyce. "Picture Book Power: Connecting Children's Literature and Mathematics."
The Reading Teacher
61 (2008): 649-653. Using children's books in math class.
Soares, Louise M.
. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2010. This is a college textbook outlining the fundamentals of six branches of educational psychology.
Van De Walle, John A., et al.
Elementary and Middle School Mathematics
. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2010. College textbook on how to develop math skills in elementary and middle school students.
Watanabe, Tad. "Representations in Teaching and Learning Fractions."
Teaching Children Mathematics
8 (2002): 457-463. Discussion on ways to represent fractions.