Arias, J. "Teaching Ethnography: Reading the World and Developing Student Agency." English Journal. 97.6 (2008): 92-97. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. <>.
This resource details that way ethnography can be used in the secondary English classroom. The source examines the learning value of ethnographic study and provides suggestions about launching an ethnography assignment out of a novel study.
Beach, Rick . "Teaching Literature." Teaching Literature. N.p., 1 Jan. 2004. Web. 1 July 2014.<>.
This resource is a guide to teaching critical lens to students. It provided suggested learning activities and templates for investigating literature.
Brown, Amanda Christy, and Holly Epstein Ojalvo. "The Learning Network." The Power of Place: Doing Ethnographic Studies of Local Sites. The New York Times, 15 Apr 2010. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. <>.
This source provides various ideas for producing ethnography in the classroom. The source is specifically organized around the study of place and grows out of a reading of Zora Neal Hurston's work. The document is useful for generating thought about the way ethnography may be used in the classroom it does not provide any rationale or research in support of its methods. Additionally the resource lists a variety of ideas for engaging with ethnography but fails to develop them.
Hodge, Jarrah. "How to Do Feminist TV Analysis." Gender Focus. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 July 2014. <>.
This source provides a useful set of questions for engaging students in critical analysis of gender, race and class in a text. The guide is written specifically for analysis of television but the guiding questions are applicable to any text.
Kruger, Dr. Simone. "Ethnography in the Performing Arts: A Student Guide." The Higher Education Academy. Web. 29 Mar 2014. <>.
This document is a useful student friendly guide to researching and presenting a performance based in ethnographic study. The guide is written for university undergraduates but is applicable to the secondary classroom. The guide also provides rationale for why ethnographic study is a useful classroom tool.
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. (2011). PARCC model content frameworks: English language arts/literacy grades 3–11. Retrieved
This document was produced by the U.S. Department of Education. Its purpose is to provide a framework for teaching English Language Arts or Literacy instruction and to serve as a bridge between PARCC assessments and the Common Core Standards. Although the source does not provide lesson materials or classroom tools, it is a useful source for understand the standards shifts present in CCSS.
Wallowitz, Laraine. Critical literacy as resistance: teaching for social justice across the secondary curriculum. New York: Peter Lang, 2008. Print.
This text outlines the pedagogical approach of critical literacy which is teaching students to think critically about who a text represents and who it does not. The collection of essays provides practical ideas and descriptions of teachers implementing critical literacy practices alongside a technical literacy approach. Additionally the text provides examples of how a critical literacy curriculum might be applied to a math, science, history or secondary English class.