Asimov, Isaac.
Words from the myths
. The author points out how many words are rooted in classical mythology and explains how they are used in the English language; illustrated.
Bullfinch, Thomas.
The Age of Fable
. Doubleday/ Dolphin, 1855. Contains primarily the Greek, Roman, Norse, Celtic, and Oriental myths.
A Book of Myths
. This contains selections from Bullfinch’s Age of Fable; contains 30 Greek myths with illustrations that are like Greek sculptures.
Coolidge, Olivia.
Greek Myths
. Houghton Mifflin, 1964. This is a collection of tales related to ideals of ancient Greece; selected episodes from the Trojan War; suggestions for reading and discussion by George Hillocks, Jr.; illustrated.
Graves, Robert.
Greek Gods and Heroes
. Doubleday, 1960. This is a retelling of tales for teenagers of Orpheus, Orion, Midas, Daedalus, Theseus, Jason, and Perseus; illustrated.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel.
A wonder book and Tanglewood tales for girls and boys
. Dodd Mead, 1938. Greek myths retold as fairy tales; contains illustrations.
Macpherson, Jayo
Four Ages Of Man
. St. Martins, 1962. Greek and Roman myths organized by (a) creation and the coming of gods; (b) pastoral life and ordering of seasons; (c) adventures and the labors of the hero; (d) war, tragic tales and decline into history; includes notes identifying literary sources, pronunciation and description index, booklist, maps, and illustrations,
Sabin, Frances E.
Classical Myths That Live Today
. Silver, 1958. Greek and Roman myths; Contains the most famous of maps, illustrations, and bibliography.