To acquaint students with the relationship between patriarchy and rape myths.
1. Write the following list of names on the board:
a. Zeus and Semele
d. Zeus and Leto
b. Zeus and Danae
e. Zeus and Io
c. Zeus and Alcmene
f. Zeus and Europa
2. Distribute xeroxed copies of these myths from Metamorphoses and Theogony to students.
3. Orally read myths through volunteers.
4. Discuss the myths in relation to the concepts of male dominance, violence, and domestic abuse in today’s society.
Class Mythology Project
The final phase and strategy of the unit will cement all of the archetypes and concepts together in a class project. To make these complicated and sophisticated concepts real for the students, they must produce some thing which, in a sense, brings Olympus down to earth. The class will be responsible for the planning and creation of a comic strip style mythological narrative. The students will develop their own setting and pantheon of immortals, heroes and heroines, villains and monsters. They will compose physical and mental descriptions, dialogue, conflicts, events and transitions, and create appropriate illustrations. Each student will be responsible for writing one episode for the narrative. The class will be responsible for devising an appropriate title and cover. When the comic strip has been completed, the class will reproduce the mythology and illustrations on ditto masters, make copies, and bind them in booklet form.
Another purpose behind this strategy is to have the students work on their creative writing skills. Because I always include the writing process as part of the grade on a writing assignment, each student will be responsible for including notes, a rough draft, revision, and a final draft for his or her episode. I usually receive many complaints about my insistence on the use of the writing process because most students prefer to write one draft as they think through the topic without any initial organization. The format of the comic strip style and its potential for freedom of expression will make students care enough about what they are writing to want to use the writing process. An additional incentive for student motivation is the potential for a profit if the mythology is sold in the school. The profits could be the source of funding for a class trip.