The Heritage and Culture of Puerto Ricans
Rose Christoforo-Mitchell
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Luis Munoz Rivera
On March 22, 1873, all slaves in Puerto Rico were declared free. Even though slavery was ended, no Puerto Rican was completely free. The island still belonged to Spain. The governor continued to be a Spaniard. The islanders had some voice in their own government, but the important laws were made in Spain.
Luis Munoz Rivera was one of Puerto Rico’s leaders at the time. He was a native Puerto Rican, born in Barranquitas in 1859. He became a newspaper writer. In his writing he insisted that Puerto Rico should have autonomy. This meant that Puerto Rico would still be part of Spain, but would have the power to decide many of its problems. Puerto Rico would have its own legislature and could trade with other countries.
In 1897 Spain granted Puerto Rico the kind of autonomy that Luis Munoz Rivera hoped for. He was named leader of the new government of the island. The new government began its work in February, 1898, but it didn’t last long. War broke out between Spain and the United States. By the end of 1898, Puerto Rico no longer belonged to Spain. The island was given to the United States. Once again Puerto Ricans were not allowed to govern themselves.
Continue to develop
Time Line
, add
1809 - Spanish colonies invited to Spain’s legislature or
1812 - Constitution written
1814 - King of Spain throws out constitution
1868 -
Grito de Lares
revolution against Spanish rule
1898 - Spanish-American War. Puerto Rico ceded to United States
1900 - U.S. Congress established civil government for Puerto Rican’s to elect their own governor.
1917 - Puerto Ricans became citizens of the United States
1947 - Congress amended the Jones Act to permit Puerto Ricans to elect their own governor
1949 - Luis Munoz Marin elected first governor of Puerto Rico
1952 - Puerto Rico became a Commonwealth
Research and Study
Discuss Spain’s legislature or Cortes. Have students write a short essay on the Cortes.
Discuss the Constitution of 1812 and the King of Spain’s decision to throw out the constitution. How did this affect the people of Puerto Rico? Have students write a short essay.
Discuss the revolution against Spanish rule the Grito de Lares. Have students write a short essay on the revolution.
Discuss the Spanish-American War. Have students write a short essay.
Have students write reports on the Jones Act.
Have students write a biography of Luis Munoz Marin.
Discuss what commonwealth status means. Have students write a short essay on the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.