Puerto Rico’s official name is Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico’s Spanish heritage is reflected in the language and customs of its people. Spanish is the main language of the island, although many Puerto Ricans speak English.
The island’s large cities have freeways, housing projects and shopping centers like those in many cities on the United States mainland.
Puerto Rico is a self-governing commonwealth associated with the United States by its own desire and consent. Most federal laws apply to Puerto Rico as though it was a state. Puerto Rico is represented in the U. S. Congress by a resident commissioner. He is elected to a four year term, but has no vote in Congress.
San Juan, Puerto Rico’s capital and largest city, is a seaport on the north coast. The San Juan metropolitan area also includes Bayoman, Puerto Rico’s second largest city. Ponce, the third largest city, is a commercial and cultural center on the south coast. Puerto Rico is famous for its sandy beaches and resort hotels that make it a favorite vacation place for tourists from the United States mainland.
In the early 1940’s Puerto Rican leaders, with aid from the United States, began a program to improve living conditions on the island. The program became known as
Operation Bootstrap
. Large farms were broken up, and land was redistributed among farm workers. An improved educational program rapidly reduced the number of Puerto Ricans who could not read and write. Thousands of old slum dwellings were torn down and replaced by modern housing.
During the 1950’s a sharp rise occurred in Puerto Rican migration to the U. S. mainland. Thousands of islanders moved to New York City and other large mainland cities in search of jobs.
Puerto Rico today is in a period of rapid industrial growth. The Economic Development Association known as Fomento has helped businessmen establish more than 2,000 factories. Industrial growth has reduced unemployment.
Puerto Rico’s leaders also stress cultural development. Through the
Operation Serenity
program, people work to preserve traditions and to promote the arts.
Research and Study
Explain the Commonwealth government, the court system, local government and politics of Puerto Rico.
Describe the economy of Puerto Rico, natural resources, manufacturing, agriculture, trade, electric power, transportation and communication.
What are the three largest cities of Puerto Rico?
What is Operation Bootstrap? Operation Serenity?
Why is Puerto Rico’s climate an important natural resource’s?
How did Puerto Rico become a territory of the United States? How did it become a commonwealth?