The Heritage and Culture of Puerto Ricans
Rose Christoforo-Mitchell
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Juan Ponce de Leon
One of the men who landed in Puerto Rico with Columbus was Juan Ponce de Leon. In 1509, he returned to build the first European settlement in the Taino homeland.
When Ponce de Leon reached the island, he met the Supreme Cacique, the most important chief of the Tainos. The Supreme Cacique never seen white men before. He didn’t understand their language. They were a different kind of people who wore different type of clothing and carried steel swords and rifles.
Although they were different, the Tainos were friendly to the visitors. They helped the Spaniards look for a good place to live. Ponce de Leon admired a natural harbor that he found on the north coast of the island. He called it Puerto Rico, meaning “rich port”. Years later the whole island was to be known by this name, and the port would be called San Juan. Slightly to the north and east of this harbor, the Spaniards began their first town, Caparra.
On a map of Puerto Rico locate the town of Caparra.
Continue to make a time line, 1509. The first European settlement—Town of Caparra.
Discuss the different names for Puerto Rico, beginning with Borinquen, San Juan Bautista and finally Puerto Rico.
Discuss the relationship between the Taino Indians and the Spaniards.