Lesson Plan 2
A - Historical background:
1760 -1820 - Most troubled period in British history. The American colonies proclaim their independence.
1820 - 30 - George Iv. Period of industrial unrest.
1830 - 1837 William IV, Financial crash, economic depression.
1837 - 1901 Age of Queen Victoria.
1861 - Prince Albert (Queen Victoria’s husband)dies Retreat of Queen Victoria from publiclife.
B - Achievements during the l9th century:
1. Balance between agriculture and industry.
2. The 1832 Reform Bill is introduced.
3. 1840-41 - The China ports are open to foreign trade and Hong Kong becomes British.
4. The Great Exhibition in 1851 shows that England has become “the workshop of the world”.
5. Employers and Workmen act (1875) allows masters and men to be on the same level. Trade unions are allowed to picket.
6. The Public Health Act (1875) created a public health authority in every region.
7. Purchase of the Suez Canal.
- Literary Movements
1800-1822 Romanticism: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Byron.1843-1873 History: Lord Macaulay, Thomas Carlyle.1850 - Pre-Raphaelite movement: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris.
Classroom activities:
A - Review of the l9th century in England with discussion of the historical events, the most important figures of the time and the social achievements of that century.
B - The students will read about the exponents of Dandysm.
The students will be divided into groups and will discuss:
1 - Importance of fashion, yesterday and today.
2 - Can social events influence the costume of a century?
3 - Can costume influence the behavior of a person?
4 - Can an individual be judged in a different way according to the way he/she dresses. When, and where?
5 - What are the direct and indirect elements that constitute fashion?
6 - Is, in your opinion, fashion more important today or was more important yesterday?
This set of questions can be followed by a more personal line of questions which could be: a real personal interview on fashion, individual taste, money spent on clothing etc.