Avigador, Eva :
Coquettes et Précieuses
. Paris: Librairie A.G.Nizet - 1982. French - Introduction to the world of the Coquettes and Précieuses with explanation of the terminology and poems.
Bermel, Albert :
One-act Comedies of Moliere
. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co- 1975 English translation of several Moliere’s plays, among them Two Precious Maidens Ridiculed.
Coblence, Francoise :
Le dandysme, obligation d’incertitude.
Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - 1988. French - Background of the Dandyism and its major exponents.
Livet, M. VH :
Le dictionaire des Précieuses par le Sieur de Somaize.
Paris: P.Jannet, Libraire - 1856. French - Original and integral work of the dictionary of the Précieuses.
Favardin, Patrick et Boueiere, Laurent:
Le Dandysme.
Lyon: La Manufacture - 1988. French - From the golden age of the Dandies to the end of the 19 th century and the turning of the century.
Mongradien, Georges :
Oeuvres completes de Moliere.
Paris - Garnier- Flammarion - 1964 French chronology of the life and work of Moliere, among them Les Précieuses Ridicules
Moers, Ellen :
The Dandy.
New York, N.Y. The Viking Press, Inc. 1960 English - Description of the Dandy from Brummell to Beerbohm.
Pine, Richard :
The Dandy and the Herald.
Hong Kong - The Macmlllan Press Ltd. 1988. English -Manners, Mind and Morals from Brummell to Durrell.