Students will use a guided, sequential process to produce two five-paragraph essays during this unit.
After reading the stories aloud and silently, students will participate in several whole group discussions. I will record their ideas on overheads, while they use graphic organizers to take notes to begin the pre-writing stage of the writing process. A lesson plan is included, along with sample graphic organizers, for this pre-writing activity.
Writing conferences with each student and the teacher will be student centeredto fully involve the student in the process of editing and revising the essay. A lesson plan is provided for this activity.
Students will produce a story quilt to depict their own lives and the daughters represented in the literature. A lesson plan for this activity is provided.
Students will interview a member of their family about an assigned topic and write a summary of the interview.
In the short story “Everyday Use,” by Alice Walker, the issue of skin color and privilege is raised. Students will interview a member of their family to explore how and to what extent the issue of skin color has been a part of their experience. They will work cooperatively in small groups to brainstorm questions they might ask during the interview, and then in a large group make a model questionnaire. They may choose to audio-tape this interview or to take notes. Finally, they will submit a typed summary of the interview to the instructor.