Objective: to help students understand that science and life are intertwined
Material: MSNBC article entitled: "Darwin vindicated!" Cracking of human genome confirms theory of evolution.
Give students a list of the Universal Themes/Human Dilemmas written below
Good and Evil
Kindness and Hate
Life and Death
Joy and Sorrow
Love and Indifference
Perseverance and Surrender
Confrontation and Compromise
Loss and Gain
Forthrightness and Dishonesty
Honor and Treachery
Generosity and Greed
Belonging and Alienation
Explain to the class that most of what befalls us in life, is centered on certain universal themes/ human dilemmas. Go over each one with the students. They should write each one down and as the teacher takes the class through them, take notes.
Give the students the article: "Darwin vindicated!" Cracking of human genome confirms theory of evolution.
Students are to be broken up into groups no larger than four. Each group reads the article, then decides (as a group) which universal themes are covered in the article "Darwin vindicated!" Cracking of human genome confirms theory of evolution.
When the larger group reassembles, each team will make a presentation. Each group must be prepared to support their findings.