Objective: to adopt a position and defended it ethically, morally, politically, and socially in a written essay
Material: Article- Cloned mice show abnormalities Concerns raised on critters created with embryonic stem cells MSNBC NEWS SERVICES July 5, 2001 website: wysiwyg://0/http:www.msnbc.com/news/596691.asp
At the beginning of the lesson go over the following terms with your students
a. ethically, b. morally, c. politically, and d. socially
Give each student a copy of the article: Cloned mice show abnormalities Concerns raised on critters created with embryonic stem cells. This can be read aloud, selecting different students, or each student may read the article silently to him/her self.
Write this on the blackboard, or on a chart:
Your task:
In class, we have discussed at length the notion that technology is raising a lot of issues ethically, morally, politically, and socially. Now that you have read this article, write an essay "showing" your readers how these issues are being raised through this article. Start with a good introduction and establish each of the areas mentioned above (ethically, morally, politically, and socially) in different paragraphs. Culminate your paper with a summary that reflects which human dilemmas this article demonstrates.