Yolanda U. Trapp
Generational Interviews
Targeted Intelligences: Interpersonal
Supporting Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial
Thinking Skills: Inquire, analysis
Social Skills: Respect for elders, active listening
Goal: To learn respect for elders
Materials: Note pads, newsprint, markers
Time: 45 min. period
Product: Class Venn comparing intergenerational views
Objective: How to understand and to respect elder's views
1. Use a KWL chart ( What we think we know what we want to know, what we learned ) with the whole class to identify what they think they know about their grandparent's lives, and they want to learn.
2. Let the class know that they are going to be team reporters interviewing senior citizens about their generation's growing up.
3. Using the want to know list, make a questionnaire and distribute it to teams of two.
4. Practice with the teams how to ask the questions with respect and caring.
5. Arrange for the class to go on a field trip to a senior home. Let the seniors know what will be happening.
6. If you have a video camera, video tape some of the interviews. Be sure the students use their interview notebook to record their answers.
7. When the students return to, the classroom, use the L or the KWL chart to guide the discussion. "What did you learn through the interviews".
8. Makes an all-class Venn on the blackboard to compare and contrast the generation views.
(figure available in print form)
Reflections: Use student journals. Here are possible lead-ins:
• What surprised me about the ideas shared?
• What did I learn about respecting elder's view's?
• How will I be a better person for what I learned?
The Rubric
The Standard: respect for elders
The Criteria
High Performance: Explanation "why it is important to respect elders.
Indicators: Three to five valid reasons in classroom discussion
Can give reasons for using three to five behaviors that show respect
Story example in reflection with detail
Observed three to five respectful behaviors during interview
Sound Performance: Demonstrates respect during interviews
Indicators: Showed two to four respectful behaviors during interview
Gives one or two reasons in classroom discussion
Adequate Performance: Acknowledges importance of showing respect for elders
Indicators: Used two respectful behaviors in interviews
States publicly the value of respect for elders
Not Yet: Shows no understanding of the need for respect
Indicators: Inappropriate behavior during interviews
Cannot list reasons for respectful behavior to elders