Yolanda U. Trapp
Act the word (adapted from Chapman, 1993, p. 143):
Targeted Intelligence: Verbal/Linguistic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal
Supporting Intelligences: Synthesis
Social Skills: Accountability, communication
Goal: to develop Vocabulary
Materials: Words whose meaning can be acted out
Task Focus: This activity allows teachers to review vocabulary words by using body motions and movements while saying the words and the meaning.
Time: one week - 45 min. period
Product: definition of new words
Objective: To learn vocabulary words through movement
1. Assign cooperative groups of three.
2. Assign the roles.
Actors: Each member of the group.
Coach: makes sure that all group members know the words
Director: Distributes the words assigned and decides the orders of the words to be introduced.
3. Begin the activity by having the director distribute the words.
4. Each member learn the words assigned and decides on the best action to teach the word to the group.
5. Each team member teaches his or her words. As a word is taught, all members should do the motion while saying the word and the meaning over and over.
6. The coach has each member review all of the words for a final check.
7. Have the class stand in a circle. The teacher calls out a word and the students do the learned action while saying the word and the meaning.
1. which words did you learn most easily?
2. How did this strategy help you learn the words?
3. How else might you use this strategy?
The Rubric
The Standard Mastery of vocabulary
The Criteria
High performance: 93% average on vocabulary test
Sound performance: 85% average on vocabulary tests
Adequate performance: 78% average on vocabulary tests
Not Yet: Less than 70 average on vocabulary tests