Most of the resources below are appropriate for both teachers and students. The online resources are separated into the following categories: graphics, background text, Internet applications, and data tables.
Printed Sources
Larson, R. & Betsy Farber (2000).
Elementary Statistics - Picturing the World
. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Used for definitions of many statistical key concepts and formulas
Miller, Irwin & M. Miller (1999).
John E. Freund’s Mathematical Statistics
. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Page 1 “encompass decision making” used in introduction
Tufte, Edward R. (2001).
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, LLC.
Used in creating rubrics
Wilson, E.O. (1998).
Consilience - The Unity of Knowledge
. New York, NY: Vintage Books - Random House.
Quote in introduction from page 307
Electronic Resources
Archer, C, M Jacobson, (2005 feb 3). Evaluation of global wind power. Retrieved July 20, 2008, from Stanford University Web site:
Map of wind speeds on earth (for wind generated power)
Bloch, M, S Carter, A Cox / New York Times, (2008 May 3). All of inflation’s little parts.
The New York Times
, Retrieved July 20, 2008, from
Graphic that shows detail of inflation rate (2007-2008). Well related to family budget.
Friendly, M (2001). Gallery of Data Visualization: The Best and Worst of Statistical Graphics. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from Department of Mathematics and Statistics | Faculty of Science and Engineering | York University Web site:
Some graphics are not resolved well, could refer to them for general trends (time series). See laurels and darts for good & bad graphics.
Gapminder, (2008). Gapminder. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from Gapminder Web site:
Excellent site -- use for geography, animating population growth, animate elec consumption, can use to calculate growth rate (linear) of a variable in a particular country (by having it traced over time).
Global Virtual University, (2008). Globalis - an interactive world map. Retrieved July 1, 2008, from Global Virtual University Web site:
Map applet showing, among other things, human impact, population density, landcover, nightlights, climate forecasts.
Loster, M (2006-07-02). Total primary energy supply:. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from ez2c Web site:
World map of solar power per square meter, has table for main deserts.
UNEP/GRID-Arendal, (2008). Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from Maps and Graphics at UNEP/GRID-Arendal Web site:
Good for data map interpretation, environment.
UNEP Grid - Arendal, (2008). UNEP Shelf Programme. Retrieved July 21, 2008, from UNEP Shelf Programme: Data Inventory Map Web site:
45 N, -75 W, -70 E, 40 S
Neat for viewing coastlines & getting familiar with Cartesian coordinates.
United Nations Environment , (2002). Vital Water Graphics, United Nations Environment Pragramme. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from Vital Water Graphics, United Nations Environment Pragramme Web site:
World’s freshwater supplies per river basin., (30/05/2008). The Carbon Cycle. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from Woodheat Home Web site:
Nice carbon cycle graphic.
Background Text
Easton, V.J. & John H. McColl (1997). Statistics Glossary - presenting data. Retrieved June 26, 2008, from University of Glasgow - Department of Statistics Web site:
Good source for some basic statistics definitions.
Northern Territory Government, Australia, (2005). Make The Switch. Retrieved June 26, 2008, from Northern Territory Government, Australia Web site:
Glossary of units, environmental terminology.
Internet Applications
The Economic Policy Institute, (2008). Economic Policy Institute: Datazone online Calculators. Retrieved July 20, 2008, from Economic Policy Institute Web site:
See Family budget calculator, output could be related to NYT inflation graphic.
FedStats, (2007, Mar 12). FedStats. Retrieved July 20, 2008, from FedStats Web site:
See left side: stats by state or topic or by topic: energy. Mapstats is nice to use online, has clickable us map by state with state stats, including area in square miles.
Hoare, R (2005 Jan 5). World Climate. Retrieved July 20, 2008, from World Climate Web site:
Compare local rainfall & temperature to “normal” for New Haven.
The Nature Conservancy, (Wed, 25 Jun 2008). Carbon Footprint Calculator. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from The Nature Conservancy Web site:, (2003). - Abstracts for Data mining resources. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from Web site:
Has some good graphics, simulations: Stat calc inputs carriage return separated data, outputs distribution & all descriptive stats, Y(x) finder is curve fitter, inputting bivariate data, outputting the equation and error, 2d plotter simultaneously graphs 3 different functions in different colors. Site also has a scientific calculator.
Statsoft, (2008). The Statistics Homepage. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from Data Mining, Statistical Analysis, Quality Control - Statistica Software Web site:
This site could be used as a primary source for statistical definitions and formulas.
Data Tables
Jensen, E. (2003, Feb 4). Anscombe’s Quartet and Robust Fitting. Retrieved July 1, 2008, from Astronomy at Swarthmore College Web site:
National Center for Health Statistics, (June 26, 2008). NCHS - FASTATS. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from Center for Disease Control and Prevention Web site:
Good health care resources, has indexed links by states and topics alphabetically.
OECD/IEA, (2008). International Energy Agency. Retrieved June 27, 2008, from International Energy Agency Web site:
Many nice tables and graphics about energy.
US Census Bureau, (April 18, 2008). US Census Bureau: Teaching Materials. Retrieved July 20, 2008, from US Census Bureau Web site:
See lessons using census data.
US Census Bureau, (2008 June 3). The US Census Bureau: The 2008 Statistical Abstract. Retrieved July 30, 2008, from The US Census Bureau: The US Statistical Abstract Web site:
US Dept. of Energy, (2003). A Consumer’s Guide - Get Your Power From the Sun. Retrieved June 26, 2008, from National Renewable Energy Laboratory Homepage Web site:
See p11 for Calculating Electricity Bill Savings for Net Metered PV System.