Leszek H. Ward
Each group will present their research findings to their classmates by describing characteristics of the Globe and Blackfriars theatres as well as causes/effects of exploration in the 17
-century. During these presentations the rest of the class will take notes in their journals, recording key information from the presentations.
Synthesizing and Hypothesizing
After each group has presented their research, I will remind students of the two questions introduced in the previous lesson. Each student will then synthesize their knowledge and notes from all presentations to hypothesize about performances at the two theatres and the worldview of Europeans during Shakespeare's time. Each student should answer the following two questions in his or her journal:
How would seeing a performance at the Blackfriars Theatre be different from seeing one at the Globe Theatre?
If you were living in England in 1605, what would you think about the "New World" and why?
Discussion and Predictions
Students will share their responses to the two speculative questions that guided their research. I will encourage them to explain what specific information from the presentations led them to their conclusions. After students have been able to share and discuss their responses, they will receive their second "Character Postcard." Based on these postcards and their research, students will discuss their predictions about what they expect to see in the play itself.