Leszek H. Ward
Essential Questions
When and how should someone be forgiven?
To what extent does what one sees determine what one knows?
State Standards
1.3 - Students select and apply strategies to facilitate word recognition and develop vocabulary in order to comprehend text.
1.4 - Students communicate with others to create interpretations of written, oral and visual texts.
Day 2 - After creating and studying various visual representations of the characters in the play, students will be asked to choose one image as the most accurate and defend their choice with a one-page written assignment that uses evidence from the text.
Students will know:
The definition of characterization
The definitions of the words noble, credulous, barbaric, petulant, and conniving
Students will be able to:
Create and explain a visual interpretation of a character from The Tempest.
Make observations and inferences based on visual depictions of characters from The Tempest.