Jennie A. Kerney
With commercials being able to be virtually erased due to TiVo and digital video recorders, (DVR's), it is likely that all commercials will be eliminated and advertising will be take place in the actual television show. For example, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition advertises Sears, Kenmore, and Home Depot by using the products from these companies.
The other way advertising is being done is to overlay the ads on the bottom of the screen, blocking out some of the picture. These are known as Banners and function much the same way as severe weather alerts.
As much as advertising is changing, advertisers are wondering what the future might look like. Fads and trends come and go and return again. All it would require would be for one advertising jingle to work for one company and we will have the return of the jingle as we used to know it. And that means, years from now when the original companies no longer remain, we will still remember and be able to sing their jingles.