Jennie A. Kerney
Students will create their own product, either a soft drink or a fast food product.
Students will compose a four line jingle for their product
Students will perform their jingle and pitch their product for the class
Students will generate their own class rubric
Activity Five:
After viewing and answering questions about both commercials, students will separate into small groups (3-4) and they will have the opportunity to create a product, either a
soft drink or a fast food. This will be on a poster board. They will then compose a 4 line jingle, either lyrics and a melody, or a rap, selling their product. The form for the words
will be rhyme forms ABAB, ABBA, or AABB. Each group will be expected to perform their jingle and "pitch" their product for the class. The class will rate the content of the jingle, the quality of the poster product, as well as the actual performance on the following criteria:
How well the product picture is designed.
How neatly the picture is colored in.
How well the jingle is formatted (using above criteria).
How well the jingle is performed.
Would you purchase this product?
Each of the criteria mentioned above for the finished product will be given a three point rating for a total of 15 points.
15-12 points A, 11-8 points B, 7- 4 points C, 3-1 points D, 0 points F.
A requirement of the New Haven School District is that the students create their own rubric. As a class we will generate a rubric for the above criteria.
This assignment is meant to be fun, as my students all love to draw and are artistically creative. I am hoping that the jingle writing, while it is meant to be light and fun, also taps into their grammar and spelling skills.
Activity Six:
While reading PAMS and JAM, I thought it would be interesting for my students to formulate questions they might have for these companies. This is in fulfillment of the district s requirement that all students complete exposition writing. This activity is essential as it will give students the opportunity to engage in a direct correspondence with actual jingle/commercial writers. This also allows students to investigate the possibilities of a future career. Again, I would do this in groups of 3-4 and limit the questions to five. Below is a website that will answer the student's questions. (5/17/2010)
If they are having trouble forming questions, or simply don't know what to ask, here are a few sample questions:
Where do you find your singers?
How do I go about becoming a jingle writer/singer?
Can you help promote my band?
Where can I get a demo from JAM?
Can someone come speak to our class?
These are sample questions and hopefully they will come up with more pertinent questions by themselves. After they receive information and answers, it would be fun to share the questions they asked and the answers that they received.