Timothy J. Chiaverini
The 2005 Connecticut Mathematics Curriculum Framework provides standards for this unit to follow.
Students should be able to utilize linear and non-linear functions in all of their representations to illustrate real-world situations and predict real-world phenomena.
1.1 Understand and describe patterns and functional relationships.
9-12 core: Describe relationships and make generalizations about patterns and functions.
9-12 extended: Model real-world situations and make generalizations about mathematical relationships using a variety of patterns and functions.
1.2 Represent and analyze quantitative relationships in a variety of ways.
9-12 core: Represent and analyze linear and nonlinear functions and relations symbolically and with tables and graphs.
9-12 extended: Relate the behavior of functions and relations to specific parameters and determine functions to model real-world situations.
This unit gives students the opportunity to use their understanding on proportions, proportional reasoning to solve real world problems.
2.2 Use numbers and their properties to compute flexibly and fluently, and to reasonably estimate measures and quantities.
9-12 core: Develop strategies for computation and estimation using properties of number systems to solve problems and solve proportional reasoning problems.
Students are given the opportunity to explore the concepts of volume and use various formulas to solve problems related to the volume of solids. Students are asked to manipulate formulas and understand complicated vocabulary related to formulas, such as the meaning of a constant or complicated symbolic manipulation involved in calculating buoyant force.
3.3 Develop and apply units, systems, formulas and appropriate tools to estimate and measure.
9-12 core: Solve a variety of problems involving 1--, 2-- and 3--dimensional measurements using geometric relationships and trigonometric ratios.
9-12 extended: Approximate measurements that cannot be directly determined with some degree of precision using appropriate tools, techniques and strategies.
Students are asked to model real-world data in various ways. They are asked to make predictions based on their models.
4.1 Collect, organize and display data using appropriate statistical and graphical methods.
9-12 core: Create the appropriate visual or graphical representation of real data.
9-12 extended: Model real data graphically using appropriate tools, technologies and strategies.