Timothy J. Chiaverini
Instructions for Creating and Launching one Homemade Hot Air Balloon
Materials Needed:
2 drinking straws (approximately 10-12 inches in length)
One exacto knife
Scotch tape
One Dry Cleaning Bag (or a garbage bag that is less than 6 microns thick)
5 or more cylindrical birthday candles (preferably 3/16 inches in diameter or less)
A permanent marker
A lighter
A partner
A piece of aluminum foil
Steps to follow:
Measure the length of one drinking straw to find its exact midpoint. Turn the straw so it is horizontal and cut a slit with the knife that is also horizontal (the slit should be parallel to the sides of the straw). The slit should be approximately the same length as the diameter of one of the straws.
Find the midpoint of the 2
straw. Carefully feed the 2
straw through the slit until the two straws form a plus sign. The two straws should be pretty close to, if not exactly, perpendicular.
You and your partner should spread open the mouth of the bag until your hands form the 4 corners of a square. Use the permanent marker to mark the 4 corners of the square.
Next, fasten these 4 locations to the ends of the straws with scotch tape. Use as little tape as possible. One small piece about 1/2 inch long will do fine. Remember, balloons will not fly if they are too heavy!
Now that the frame of your balloon is complete, you can get to work on the balloon's engine. Use your scissors to cut out a square piece of aluminum foil that is 2 inches in length and 2 inches in width.
Work together with your partner to melt the ends of 5 candles and fasten them to the aluminum foil using their own wax. Be careful here, you might get burned! Try to evenly space out your candles on the foil. When complete, looking down at your engine should be like looking at the "5" side of a 6-sided die.
Roll a small piece of tape so both sides are adhesive. Place one side of the tape at the intersection point of the straws on the frame, on the side facing the inner part of the bag.
Place the engine, candles pointing up into the bag, on the other adhesive side of the tape. Your partner should stand and hold the bottom corners of the bag while you light the candles. Once the candles are lit, it is only a matter of time until you are in flight! Be patient, it can take awhile sometimes.