Christine A. Elmore
Objective: To create an autobiographical timeline of important events in your life using both month- and year-intervals.
chart paper, a thick marker, a two-columned planning organizer, a time-line template, white cardstock paper, pencils and crayons.
1) The teacher will model the use of the planning organizer on chart paper by recording 6 of his/her own memorable life events and when they occurred in the two columns with the headings, What Happened and When Did It Happen.
2) Students will take home blank versions of this planning organizer with directions asking that parents work with them on coming up with 5 important life events, when they occurred, and their birthdate to list on the graphic organizer.
3) The teacher will then model how to transfer these events onto the 6-blocked template (on chart paper) that might look like this:
4) Students will use a piece of white cardstock paper on which the template has been copied to make their timelines. They will transfer the information from the organizer to the template. After writing a brief sentence describing each event, along with their age when it occurred, they will draw a picture to match the event. The teacher will ensure that the events have been listed left to right in proper sequence and that the words and pictures match.
4) Students will present their autobiographical timelines to the class, answering any questions their classmates may ask. These timelines will later be displayed in the room.