Christine A. Elmore
To make buttons in two different ways using different materials.
Polymer clay buttons
different colors of polymer clay (
Premo or Fimo), a rolling pin, threading spools, plastic knife, textured objects (
buttons or beads), toothpicks, parchment paper and a clean work surface.
1) Cover your work surface with parchment paper. Soften the clay by rolling a section of it in your hands several times.
2) Flatten the piece of clay using a rolling pin, peeling it off between each roll to prevent sticking. Roll it to a thickness of 1/8 inch.
3) Use a thread spool or a plastic knife to cut your button shapes, smoothing down the sides. Avoid over-handling it.
4) Press into the clay shape with a textured object such as another button or textured bead.
5) Poke some holes into your buttons using a toothpick. Insert the toothpick and twirl it around a few times. Get rid of any excess clay caused by this poking.
6) Bake on the parchment paper at 265 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 hour to ensure proper curing.
Sticky Milk Buttons
a box of dried skimmed milk powder, white vinegar, long handled spoon, coffee filter paper, 2 clean empty jars, toothpicks, aluminum foil
1) Mix 2 tablespoons of dried skimmed milk powder with ½ cup of hot water (60 degrees Centigrade) in a jar.
2) Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and stir well. This mixture should curdle. Let it stand for about 3 minutes. You will notice that the solid and the liquid will start to separate.
3) After covering the top of the other jar with a coffee filter paper, pour the milk/vinegar mixture into the filter.
4) Discard the liquid but keep the solid residue on the coffee filter paper.
5) Take a lump of the solid residue and press it into a thin layer, moulding it by hand into the desired button shape.
6) Use a toothpick to make the holes in your button.
7) Place the buttons on a piece of aluminum foil and allow to dry overnight.