Albert, Lillian Smith & Jane Ford Adams.
The Button Sampler
. New York: M. Barrows
and Company, Inc., Publishers, 1951. Through text and picture, the authors describe in fascinating detail the different kinds of buttons and their history. There are some very interesting tidbits on button lore.
Bücken, Hajo.
Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?
Edinburgh: Floris Books, 1986. A great teacher resource offering a wealth of fun button games and activities for children to play.
Bruhn, Wolfgang & Max Tilke.
A Pictorial History of Costume
. New York: Arch Cape Press, 1988. A comprehensive survey of costume of all periods and peoples from antiquity to the beginning of the 20
century. The plates of figures dressed in period clothing are in both color and black and white.
Couse, L. Erwina & Marguerite Maple.
Button Classics
. Chicago: Lightner Publisher Co., 1941. This valuable reference book offers a large collection of buttons, categorized, described and photographed in almost exact size.
Epstein, Diana.
. New York: Walker and Company, 1968. Through interesting text and black and white photographs, the author, a button expert, provides a detailed history and description of buttons across the ages.
Button Book
. Philadelphia: Running Press Book Publishers, 1996. In this miniature book the author delights us with detailed descriptions of buttons in the context of art, fashion and history.
Jacobson, Jennifer.
Reading Response for Nonfiction: Graphic Organizers & Mini- Lessons
. New York: Scholastic Teaching Resources, 2008.
This excellent teacher resource book offers 20 graphic organizers to help children better comprehend nonfiction. Interactive mini-lessons precede each organizer.
Farhham, Diane, Paula Jensvold & Brigid Kulhowvick.
Mini-Lessons for Teaching About
Nonfiction. New York: Scholastic Teaching Resources, 2007. This valuable teacher resource offers many effective strategies on how to teach young students to read and write informational texts.
Gorsline, Douglas.
What People Wore
. New York: Bonanza Books, 1951. This rich resource book includes thousands of black and white illustrations surveying changing fashions in clothing styles from ancient times up to the early 20
Luscomb, Sally C.
The Collector's Encyclopedia of Buttons
. New York: Crown
Publishers, Inc., 1967. This definitive reference book offers an excellent introduction to the world of buttons. The author describes over 3000 buttons in this book!
Leventon, Melissa (ed.).
What People Wore When
. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 2008.
An invaluable reference book covering the broad span of the history of costume, combining current research on costume through the ages with exquisite illustrations by Auguste Racinet and Friedrich Hottenroth.
Lister, Margot.
Costumes of Everyday Life.
London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1972. This wonderful resource book focuses on the working attire of people of lower rank primarily in Britain and France from 900-1910. The black and white drawings show each costume in minute detail.
Patrick, Bethanne & John Thompson.
An Uncommon History of Common Things
. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2009. Through vivid illustrations, concise descriptions, timelines and sidebars this compendium describes customs, notions and inventions throughout history.
Peacock, Primrose.
Discovering Old Buttons
. Oxford: Shire Publications Ltd., 2008.
This miniature book, a great resource for button collectors, outlines the history of buttons and describes the many types that exist. Fascinating information about buttons can be found in the section on fasteners.
Stead, Tony.
Is That a Fact? Teaching Nonfiction Writing K-3
. Portland, Maine:
Stenhouse Publishers, 2002. This invaluable teacher resource focuses on strategies for teaching nonfiction writing to young children. Don't leave home without it!
Reality Checks: Teaching Reading Comprehension with Nonfiction K-5
. Portland, Maine, Stenhouse Publishers, 2006. Another invaluable teacher resource by the same author that offers a wealth of strategies for teaching young learners reading comprehension using nonfiction.
White, Carolyn L.
American artifacts of Personal Adornment, 1680-1820
. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2005. A comprehensive guide to the identification and interpretation of items of personal adornment (such as buttons) in America from 1680-1820. It is well-researched and well-written.