Caterina C. Salamone
Place random objects such as; drums sticks, spoons, rulers, boxes, and/ or pencils in a box in the front of the room. Tell the students that they will explore and develop a total of 8 beats using objects to help them. They can look in their desks for inspiration or through the box you have placed in the front of the room. Give the students 5 to 10 minutes depending on their ability to just play with sound. When the students have had time to create a beat of their choice, have them translate the beat onto paper: bang-tap-tap-tap, bang-tap, tap, tap. This is so that they won't forget the beat they've created should they need to come back to this at a later date. Once the beat has been established, the students can add words that will follow the patterns of the beat. The students can and should perform their poems in front of the class. Listen for the beat and the choice of words that the students used. As the students in the class are listening to each other, have them listen for the beats, the words choice, tone, images within the poem, and expression. They can reflect on the poems and provide additional ideas and/or suggestions.
Examples of beat poems:
Sound: Bang – Tap, Tap, Tap, Bang – Tap, Tap, Tap
Poem:Jump – Run and Run, Jump – Run and Run
High – Low and Low, High – Low and Low
Sizzle – To and Fro, Sizzle – To and Fro
Once the students have been able to play with poetry and immerse voice, tone and expression they can then apply these skills in their writing. Remind them to create pictures with their words and put expression in their sentences.