&, the third day the children usually will have become fluent reading the. "TEACHERS' MENTOR - using poetry to teach reading." The Best of TEACHERS' MENTOR - assistance for teachers PreK - 5. http://teachersmentor.com/readingk3/using_poetry.html (accessed July 4, 2011.
A website on how to use poetry in the classroom.
(2005), Mary Haga. "Reading Rockets: Using Poetry to Teach Reading." Reading Rockets: Reading Comprehension & Language Arts TeachingStrategies for Kids. http://www.readingrockets.org/article/35 (accessed July 4, 2011).
A very useful website for both teachers and parents who want to improve students reading levels.
Attenborough, Elizabeth.
Poetry by heart: a child's book of poems to remember
. New York: Scholastic Inc. :, 2001.
A collection of poems for children.
Carpenter, Stephen, and Bruce Lansky.
A bad case of the giggles: kids pick the funniest poems.
. Minnetonka, MN: Meadowbrook Press ;, 2008.
A collection of funny poems for students of all ages.
"Descriptive words." Ms. Garrett online-home page. http://www.msgarrettonline.com/descripwords.html (accessed July 4, 2011).
An article of descriptive words.
Janeczko, Paul B., and Christopher Raschka.
A foot in the mouth: poems to speak, sing, and shout
. Somerville, Mass.: Candlewick Press, 2009.
A collection of rhymes to teach voice and tone.
Kennedy, X. J., Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Karen Baker.
Knock at a star: a child's introduction to poetry
. Boston: Little, Brown, 1999.
A collection of poems, songs and prose for students who are new to poetry.
Koch, Kenneth.
Rose, Where Did You Get That Red?
New York: Random House, 1973.
A book written by Koch's own experience in teaching children how to write poetry. He provides ideas for children of all ages.
Polonsky, Marc. "Why Poetry." Marc Wordsmith.
www.marcwordsmith.com/pdfs/Why-Poetry.pdf (accessed July 4, 2011).
A pdf file on why poetry should be used and read.
Prelutsky, Jack, and Marc Tolon Brown.
Read-aloud rhymes for the very young
. New York: A. Knopf, 1986.
A collection of rhymes for all ages.
Prelutsky, Jack, and Christopher Raschka.
Good sports: rhymes about running, jumping, throwing, and more
. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.
A poem, written as a story for students who love sports.
Rochelle, Belinda.
Words with wings: a treasury of African-American poetry and art
. New York: HarperCollins/Amistad, 2001.
A collection of African American poems for all ages.
Schoonmaker, Frances, and Lucy Corvino.
Poetry for young people: Robert Louis Stevenson.
. New York: Sterling, 2007.
A collection of Robert Louis Stevenson's poems.
"ShelSilverstein.com - the Official Site for Kids - Choose Speed." ShelSilverstein.com - The Official Site for Kids. http://www.shelsilverstein.com/indexSite.html (accessed July 4, 2011).
An interactive site for teachers and students about Shel Silverstein.
"Spoonerisms." Fun With Words > The Wordplay Web Site. http://www.fun-with-words.com/spoonerisms.html (accessed July 27, 2011).
A website that teaches about the art of spoonerisms.
Trzynka, Penny. "poem." Funny poetry for children.
(accessed July 4, 2011)
A poem that is about a child who is afraid of the monster under his/her bed.
Vardell, Sylvia. Poetry for Children: Poems, Comfort, and Nikki Giovanni."
Poetry for Children.
http://poetryforchildren.blogspot.com/2007/04/poems-comfort-and-nikki-giovanni.html (accessed July 4, 2011)
A blog created to share poetry with young children about topics and issues.
Whitehead, Jenny.
Holiday stew : a kid's portion of holiday and seasonal poems
. New York: Henry Holt, 2007.
Poems for the holidays and seasons.
Wolf, Allan .
Immersed in Verse An Informative, Slightly Irreverent & Totally Tremendous Guide to Living the Poet's Life.
. New York: Lark Books, 2009.
A guide to helping students and teachers become comfortable with poetry.