Caterina C. Salamone
Children love onomatopoeia. Often times you will hear students saying these words because they love how they sound. This lesson will help student understand that words can convey a sound and an experience. When students start to write stories, we tell them to use snapshots, which means showing the readers using descriptive words rather than telling them. This activity will not only help students with tone and expression, but it will also help students become descriptive writers. First the students will brainstorm objects of their choice such as ball, leaves, pencil, and computer. Then they will brainstorm some sound words that are associated with their object such as zoom, bump, tap, and click. After that they will think about the different things that can be done with this object. You can use the following example as a model for your class to get them to start thinking. Print out the template below for the students to help them organize their ideas and sentences.