Caterina C. Salamone
Once the students have had a chance to explore expression through voice, tone and art, they can now have an opportunity to have some fun in creating skits. Giggle poetry is the best form of poetry to use with this activity. As an example we will use the poem
Under the Bed
by Penny Tryzynka. The student will choose a poem of their choice and work in small groups. Together they will create mini skit to for the poem. Students will need to include voice, tone and expression in order to convey the meaning of the poem. This may take them a few days to work on. Once they have had time to create their skit and rehearse it allow the students to perform it in front of the class. If there are some students who are typically shyer than others, provide them with the option of creating puppets and performing a puppet show. You are looking for the students to demonstrate their understanding of voice and tone. They will need to include details from the poems as well.
Under My Bed
, the child is scared of the monster that may be lurking underneath the bed. His long, white teeth create an image that helps the reader feel what the character is feeling. The students can and should be as creative as they want to be for this activity. Encourage them to give the characters a voice. You can use the example below as a model for the class.
: (talking to himself) I'm so scared! I think there is something under my bed, but I'm not sure. It's only 7:30 at night.
: Slurp, slurp, slurp.. I'm so hungry, but it's too dark out there to get something to eat.
: He-l-l-o-o, is so-mma-one there?
: (talking to himself) ohh no! It's a monster! What should I do? I wish that little boy were here. He has that nice soft teddy bear.
: (talking to himself) maybe if I lie really still and close my eyes, they won't see me…
creeps out slowly…
I hope he's there…(tap, tap, tap)
: (opens one eye slowly)
: Can I sleep with you? I'm scared.