1. Romulo Gallegos,
Do–a Bárbara
, (Argentina, 1968 ) p. 58.
2. Angel Flores,
Historia y antologia del cuento y la novela en hispanoamerica
, ( New York, Las Americas Publishing Company, 1959) p. 439.
3. Op. Cit. p. 31, 32.
4. Op. Cit. p. 27.
Teachers Bibliography
Bernstein, Harry.
Venezuela and Colombia
. Englewoods Cliff, N. J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1964. A look at Venezuela today. Contrast between rich and poor, etc.
Englekirk, John.
An Outline History of Spanish American Literature
. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1965. Broad historical framework from discovery to independence along with literary and cultural information. Excellent guide.
Flores, çngel.
Histor’a y antolog’a del cuento y la novela en hispano-america
. New York: Las Americas Publishing Company, 1959. Excellent anthology for a better understanding of the Latin-American novel and short story.
Flores, çngel and Raúl Silva Caceres.
La novela hispano-americana actual
. Long Island City, New York: Las Americas Publishing Company, 1971. Introduction to modern novels of Latin America.
Franco, Jean.
The Modern Culture of Latin America: Society and the Artist
. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Deals with political and social movements and involvements of the intellectuals.
Gallegos, Rómulo.
Cuentos venezolanos
. Argentina: Espasa-Calpe, 1950. Some of his short stories.
Hanke, Lewis.
History of Latin-American Civilization: The Colonial Experience (volume 1)
. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1967. Civilization of S. A. beginning with the discovery. Also deals with legends and myths.
Lieuven, Edwin.
. New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. Physiography of Venezuela with historical background.
Mac Adam, Alfred J.
Modern Latin-American Narratives
. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1977. Modern Latin-American narratives with critical analysis.
Mora, José R. Barrios.
Comprendio Histórico de la Literature Venezolana.
Caracas, Venezuela: Ediciones Nueva Cadiz, 1955. Historical movements that have influenced the literary trends.
Rourke, Thomas.
Gomez: Tyrant of the Andes
. New York: Greenwood Press Publishers, 1969. History of Venezuela and the cruel dictatorial government of Juan Vicente Gomez.
Urena, Pedro Henriquez.
A Concise History of Latin-American Culture
. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. The indigenous cultures and their influences in modern day society.
Wagley, Charles.
The Latin-American Tradition
. New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. Essays on the unity and the diversity of Latin-America.
Teachers’ and Students’ Bibliography
Alegr’a, Ciro.
El mundo es ancho y ajeno
. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1961. Pro-Indian novel of social protest which contains many passages of very poetic prose and sensitive symbolism.
Azuela, Mariano.
Los de abalo
. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1961. Reveals the bloodshed and horror of the revolution.
de la Cruz, Sor Juana Inés.
Obras escogidas
. Buenos Aires: Espasa-Calpe, 1951. Poems written by a Mexican nun famed for her beauty. Her poems include love lyrics that at times border on the erotic.
Dar’o, Rubén.
Buenos Aires: Espasa-Calpe, 1952. A famous collection of verse and prose which set the stage for modernism.
EcheverrEia, Esteban.
La cautiva, Seguido de El matadero, La güitarra
Elvira, Rimas
. Buenos Aires: Sopena, 1939.
is the story of a love affair between an Indian girl and a creole boy.
Gallegos, Romulo.
Do–a Bárbara
. Buenos Aires: Espasa-Calpe, 1968.
Güiraldes, Ricardo.
Don Segundo Sombra
. Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada, 1939. A poeticization and immortalization of the essential and vital aspects of Argentina’s gauchesque prose.
Hernández, José.
Mart’n Fierro
. Buenos Aires: Espasa-Calpa, 1938. An epic poem about the gaucho of Argentina. Very colorful.
Isaacs, Jorge.
. Madrid: Aguilar, 1945. An idyllic romance story with many autobiographical details.
Mármol, José.
. Buenos Aires: Estrada, 1944.
is a novel about life in Buenos Aires under the Rosas reign of terror.
Márquez, Gabriel Garc’a.
El coronel no tiene quien le escriba
. Argentina: Editorial Sudamerica, 1971. The life of a colonel.
Márquez, Gabriel Garc’a,
La hojaresca
. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1977. How a town acts when the doctor dies.
Classroom Materials
Most of the audiovisual materials listed are available from the Department of Audiovisual Education at Winchester School in New Haven.
Animal Life in South America
Balboa and Pizarro
Central America A.
Central America B.
Columbus and the Discovery of America
Cortes and the Conquest of Mexico
Cortes Conquers the Aztecs
DeLeon and De Soto
Farm Land and Southern South America
Geography of South America
Historic Background
Indians of Mexico Today
Industries and Products
Mexican Town and Country Life
Mexico City
Mexico part A
Mexico part B
New World is Discovered
Panama Canal Zone
People of South America
Pizarro and the Conquest of Peru
Puerto Rico
Spanish Explorations
Filmstrip and Record
(by subject)
Man and His Music ( Puerto Rico )
Children’s Songs of Mexico
Puerto Ricans I
Puerto Ricans II
Northern Mexico and the Central Highlands—The Historic Triangle
Mexico City, Cuernavaca and Pueblo
Taxco, A Spanish Colonial City
Southern Mexico, The lowlands and Yucatan Peninsula.
An Oil Company Family of Venezuela
A Family of Ecuador in Transition
Making of Bridges (United Fruit Company in Latin-America)
Folk Songs of Latin America
Juan of the Argentine Pampas
Clara Mita of the Andes
Motion Pictures
(by subject)
Geography of South America (Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
) (10 min.) It describes the industry and locates the rivers. At the same time it contrasts the people and the land.
Geography of South America (The Continent
) (14 min) Important port cities.
Maps of Mexico, Central and South America and the Antilles