Readings: Novels, Plays, and Short Stories
Hansberry, Lorraine.
To be Young, Gifted, and Black
. New York:. Signet Books, 1970.
An autobiography of Lorraine Hansberry, author of
A Raisin in
the Sun
, that depicts the strength and energy of a young, black woman maturing into adulthood. Since she goes into detail about her family, value conflicts, and social-political issues of the late 50’s and early 60s, it is an excellent way to discuss identity and role-confusion.
Howard, Daniel ed.
The Modern Tradition
. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1979.
The following stories can be found in this anthology:
“A&P”, John Updike
“A Conversation with my Father”, Grace Paley
“I Stand Here Ironing”, Tillie Olsen.
Landau, Epstein, Stone, eds.
Child Development through Literature
. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972.
“Trio for Three Gentle Voices” by Harold Brodkey and “My Oedipus Complex” by Frank O’Connor can be found in this book.
McCullers, Carson.
The Member of the Wedding
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1946.
Miller, Arthur.
Death of a Salesman
. New York: Viking Press, 1949.
Biff and Happy, the two main characters, are examples of grown men who have no identity. They cannot “take hold.” Unmarried and jobless they return home to dream of the future. Selections from the play can be read aloud to show role-confusion and/or unresolved intimacy conflicts.
Nin, Anais.
Under a Glass Bell
. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1948.
“The Mouse” can be found in this book of short stories. Copies are also on file at the Teacher’s Institute or High School in the Community.
Readings: Erikson’s Theory
Elkind, David. “Erik Erikson’s Eight Ages of Man”
New York Times
. April 5, 1970, pp. 25-7+.
Quite readable for intermediate to advanced students. I usually use this one and then switch if it is clearly too difficult or too easy.
“Erik Erikson: The Quest for Identity.”
. December 21, 1970. pp. 84-9.
This is a good article for background material on Erikson and also includes an interview with Erik Erikson.
Schaef, Anne Wilson. “Erikson’s Eight Stages.” Origin unknown.
This article defines the stages as they relate to the development of women. Copies are on file at the Teacher’s Institute office.
Xeroxed copies of the simplest explanation of the eight stages from the EDC curriculum:
Exploring Childhood
(On file at the Teacher’s Institute office)