Bentley, Eric.
The Life of the Drama
. New York: Atheneum, 1964.
A large, scholarly volume, this book is extremely worthwhile for its theory and definitions.
Esslin, Martin.
The Anatomy of Drama
. New York: Hill and Wang, 1976.
An interestingly written book, especially useful for the structure of plays and the meaning and value of drama.
Howes, Alan B.
Teaching Literature to Adolescents: Plays
. Chicago: Scott Foresman and Co., 1968.
Many good pointers for teachers.
Polsky, Milton E.
Let’s Improvise
. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1980.
This is a marvellous new paperback, written with a great deal of enthusiasm, and profusely illustrated with photographs of actual improvisations.
Spolin, Viola.
Improvisation for the Theater
. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1972.
The most complete book on improvisation—a basic text.
Styan, J.L.
The Dramatic Experience
. Cambridge: The University Press, 1965.
A small book, significant history of the theater, with beautiful illustrations, charts, and diagrams.