Bock, Alan. 1971.
The Ecology Action Guide
. Los Angeles. Nash Publishing. Generates one good action idea after another.
Dukert, Joseph M. 1980.
A Short Energy History of the United States
. Washington, D.C. Edison Electric Institute. Views the history of the United States from an energy orientation rather than social or political.
Miller Jr., Tyler G. 1979.
Living in the Environment
. Belmont, California. Wadsworth Publishing Company. Comprehensive reference book. Very helpful.
Polya, G. 1957.
How To Solve It
. Garden City, New York. Doubleday and Company, Inc. A classic book on problem solving.
Terry, Mark. 1971.
Teaching For Survival
. New York Ballantine Books, Inc. Excellent for generating many environmental study possibilities related to daily life and especially everyday life at school.