1. Brown, Olene; Charles, Michael; Clifford, Miriam Lien; and Price, Jack.
Mathematics for Everyday Life.
Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company. Columbus, Ohio, 1978.
This textbook has been designed for use in a Consumer Related Course. It introduces many useful skills necessary in daily living.
Allen, Charles E. and Oldaker, Linda M.
Mathematics, Problem Solving Activities
. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston, Massachusetts, 1978.
This booklet contains activities designed to enrich the experiences involved in problem solving.
3. Kilmer, Warren and Moyer, Sara C.
You + Math = Fun.
The Random House Mathematics Program. New York, 1973.
This is a booklet prepared by children introducing creative word problems with illustrations. It can be used as an example for suggesting that your students make their own problems.
4. Brown, Richard G., Dolciani, Mary P., and Smith, Geraldine D.
Basic Algebra
. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston, Massachusetts, 1977.
A text for a Basic Algebra Course.
5. Skeen, Kenneth C. and Whitmore, Edward H.
Modern Mathematics Book 1, 2 Number Systems—Structure
. The L. W. Singer Company. U.S.A. 1966.
Book 1 is an excellent transition from Arithmetic to Algebra. Book 2 is a continuation of a Basic Algebra Course along with some introduction to Basic Geometry and Basic Trigonometry.
7. Judd, Wallace P.
Problem Solving Kit, For Use With a Calculator
. Science Research Associates, Inc. U.S.A., 1977.
This SRA kit helps students to get started in problem solving and develops the skill of using a calculator. This kit is especially designed for heuristic teaching.
8. Cutler, Charles L. and Morrill, George.
The Money Book, Saving and Spending.
An American Reader Book. Xerox Educational Publication Unit Book. 1978. Fortyseven pages on budgets, credits, taxes, etc.