Because the students involved are senior high school students, and due to the nature of the subject, the following books are suitable for both student and teacher.
Bickel, Eigenfeld, Hogg.
Physical Science Investigations,
Houghton, Mifflin, Boston, 1973. This is a fairly elementary physical science book which treats the physical properties of matter, and which should be particularly helpful to the student who is having difficulty understanding the concepts involved.
Handbook of Physics and Chemistry
An invaluable aid for both teacher and student in dealing with the physical sciences.
Metcalfe, Williams and Castka,
Exercises and Experiments in
Chemistry. Holt, Rinehard and Winston, New York, 1978. An excellent collection of experiments, problems and exercises relating to all phases of a high school chemistry program.
Metcalfe, Williams and Castka,
Modern Chemistry
. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978. While no text is perfect, this book presents the most logical sequence of material in the clearest manner of an, that I have encountered. Both the student and the teachers’ edition are exceptional.
Norse, Dr. Alan E. , Universe, Earth and Atom.
Harper and Row, New York, 1969. This is a readable, fascinating prose book about the how and why of things in the physical world. It is written in clear and non technical language and contains many interesting bits of information for both student and educator.
Oberkrieser, Joseph V.
Chemica1 Arithmetic. D. Van Nostrand Co. Inc., 1962. This is a collection of problems from all phases of high school chemistry. The teacher should find it to be an extremely good source of problems. Step by step solutions are given, and answers to all problems are provided. They progress from easy to more difficult.
Peterson, John M. Finite Mathematics
. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1974. This treatment of logic, sets and probabilities will be more of interest to the teacher as background, than to the student. However, students may find the section on logic interesting, and it would certainly be helpful for them.
Polya, G., How to Solve It. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1973. This book should be a “must read” for all teachers and would be very helpful to the more advanced students. It includes a clear, reasonable method for solving problems, gives many examples from the point of view of both teacher and student, and presents problems that are challenging and fun to solve.
Slabaugh and Butler,
College Physical Science.
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1973. Intended as a text for the non science major in college, It presents an integrated approach to physical science and keeps the mathematics on a simple level. I have found it very helpful in obtaining ideas on how to present material.
Thomas and Thomas,
Finite Mathematics
, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1973. Very similar to the Peterson book mentioned above, in its treatment of logic, sets and probability.