Anderson, Nels.
The Urban Community: A World Perspective
. New York: Holt & Co., 1959. An introduction to the topic of cities.
Colon, Jesus.
A Puerto Rican in New York
. New York: Mainstream Pub., 1961. Short stories dealing with life in New York. Students will be reading selections from this book.
Cotto, Guillermo.
Tropico en Manhattan
. Mexico: Editorial Cordillera, 1967. Teachers will enjoy this book about the ex-teacher who migrates to the big city and tries to adjust. The way he deals with this new foreign world may give you a deeper understanding of the problems encountered by the Hispanic students. (This book is available in English).
Fitzpatrick, Joseph.
Puerto Rican Americans: The Meaning of Migration to
the Mainland
. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 1971. Historical and Sociological facts of the migration to the cities.
Levine, Bsrry B.
Benjy Lopez: A Picaresque Tale of Emigration and Return
. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1980. Life in America, with a historical chapter dealing with migration and returning to the island.
Lockett, Edward B.
The Puerto Rico Problem
. New York: Exposition Press, 1964. A Study of Puerto Rican migration to the United States.
Soto, Pedro Juan.
. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1973. Stories about living in El Barrio. Strong language, adult situations.