These books may be bought at your local bookstore or ordered from the publishers.
Adams, F,
Catch a Sunbeam, A Book of Solar Study and Experiments
. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.,, 757 Third Ave , New York, NY 10017. 1978. 77 pp., $795. Grades 7-12. [Experiments and projects for constructing a solar heating panel and a parabolic stove are provided.]
Baer, S.
Sunspots—Collected Facts and Solar Fiction
. Zomeworks Corp , P. O. Box 712, Albuquerque, NM 87103, 1977. 115 pp., $4.00. Grades 10 and up. [Conventional and unconventional applications of solar energy are presented in a humorous format.]
Gadler, S.
Solar Power: Facts About Solar Energy
Lerner Publications Co., 241 First Ave. N,, Minneapolis, MN 55401. 1978. Grades 6 and up. [Historic uses of solar power and the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy use are discussed with photographs.]
Hayes, D
Energy: The Solar Prospect
. Worldwatch Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Ave , N,W., Washington, DC 20036. 1977. 80 pp., 1-9 copies/$2.00 each, lQ-49/$1.50 each, 50 or more/$1.00 each. [A global perspective of present and future applications of solar energy is given.]
Hoke, J.
Solar Energy
, Franklin Watts Publ., 730 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10019. 1978. 90 pp., $5.45. Grades 6-10. [A review of solar energy use and experiments is illustrated with diagrams, photographs and charts.]
Knight, D, C,
Harnessing the Sun: The Story of Solar Energy
William Morrow & Co. , 105 Madison Ave., New York, NY 1OO16, 1976. 128 pp,, $5.95. Grades 6-9. [Past and present accomplishments in the solar energy field and potential applications for the future are reviewed.]
Morris, D.
Dawning of Solar Cells
. Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 1717 18th St , N.W,, Washington, DC 20009. 1976. 16 pp , $2.00. Grades 9 and up. [A basic introduction to the technology and economics of solar cells for generating electricity is presented.]
Rankins, W., III and D, Wilson,
The Solar Energy Notebook
. Lorien House, P, O. Box 1112, Black Mountain, NC 28711. 1976. 56 pp., $4 00. Grades 7-12. [Basic solar energy information and calculations are illustrated with graphics and imaginative format.]
Wallace, D,, ed.
Energy We Can Live With
, Rodale Press, Organic Park, Emmaus, PA 18049. 1976. 150 pp., $3.95, [Renewable resources, including solar energy, are reviewed and analyzed,]