Ahl, David H.
Computers In Mathematics
A Sourcebook of Ideas
. New Jersey: Creative Computing Press. 1979.
This book shows a more advanced display of different types of problems to work out on the computer.
Bennett, William Ralph, Jr.
Scientific and Engineering Problemsolving With the Computer.
New Jersey: Prentice- Hall. 1976.
A scientific approach is taken in this book. Many different types of problems are given in a concise manner.
Coan, James S.
Advanced Basic
. New Jersey: Hayden Book Company, Inc. 1977.
The topics are for people who are already familiar with the basic language and would like to pursue basics further. It shows how to use efficiency in programming and a few different techniques.
Corliss, William R.
. United States Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information.
A good pocketbook which describes history and how a computer works. It is a very informative book.
Kemeny, John G., and Kurtz, Thomas E.
Basic Programming.
New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1980.
Excellent introductory book to basic programming language. It explains what a computer is and how it is used.
Marateck, Samuel L.
. New York: Academic Press, Inc. 1975.
Excellent book for people not familiar with the basic language. A very detailed description is given for each segment the reader is not familiar with. The book assumes that the reader has no previous knowledge of computers.
Rothman, Stanley and Mosmann, Charles.
Computers and Society
. Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc. 1972.
Good history of the computer and its use in society today.
Spencer, Donald D.
A Guide to Teaching About Computers in Secondary Schools
. Florida: Abacus Computer Corp. 1973.