Michael Conte, Jr.
Asimov, Isaac.
How Did We Find Out About Electricity
. New York: Walker and Company, 1973.
This book gives short paragraphs on the discovery of electricity. Chapter 4 deals directly with the contribution of Benjamin Franklin.
Beeler, Nelson F. and Franklyn M. Branley.
Experiment with Electricity
. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1942.
This is a book showing basic electrical experiments for children.
Burie, Audrey Ann and Mary Ann Heltshe.
Reading with a Smile
90 Reading Games That Work
. Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Book Ltd., 1975.
A book of games that will motivate children to read and write. Games are easily and inexpensively made from materials readily available to teachers.
Dana, Richard, Jr.
An Autobiographical Sketch
. Hamden, Conn. The Shoe String Press, 1953.
An autobiography written to fill in areas of a previous journal. A glimpse into early century education.
Douglas, Frederick.
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas An American Slave
. New York: Signet, 1968.
A book that depicts the life of Frederick Douglas and the life he led in slavery. His story continues on his learning to read continuing through to his eventual trip to freedom.
Hoyt, Joseph B.
The Connecticut Story
. New Haven, Ct: Readers Press, Inc., 1961.
This is a textbook on Connecticut history.
Jackson, Nancy J., editor.
The Golden Book of Colonial Crafts
. New York: Golden Press, 1975.
A book showing early colonial crafts, pictures and instructions.
Moore, William.
Here is Your Hobby: Science Equipment
. New York: G. P. Putnam Sons, 1962. A how to book on making science equipment.
Schneider, Herman.
Everyday Weather: How it Works
. New York: McGraw Hill Company, Inc., 1961.
A simple book describing weather conditions and experiments for children.
Sloane, Eric.
ABC Book of Early Americana
. New York: Doubleday and Company, 1963.
Pictures and short descriptions of early American Crafts, tools and materials, set up like an ABC Book.
Classroom Materials—Material can be found in New Haven School System—through Audio-Visual Department.
National Geographic Society
Geography of New England—filmstrip—cas.
Life in Colonial America—filmstrip—cas.
New England and Middle Colonies—filmstrip—cas.
The Making of Maps—16mm film
The Reading Laboratory, Inc.
How to use an Almanac—filmstrip—cas.
Eyegate Media Incorporated
Techniques of Paragraph Writing—filmstrip—cas.
How to Develop Reading Skills—filmstrip—cas.
Society for Visual Education, Inc.
Basic Writing Skills Set 2—filmstrip—cas.