To make a nutritious snack.
Peanut Butter, slices of bread, butter knife, and a cookie cutter.
The students will be asked to spread peanut butter on slices of bread, alternating by putting jelly on some of the slices. After they have finished, they will cut the sandwiches into different shapes using the cookie cutter.
Cream cheese can be used, leaving the top off the small sandwiches, and raisins can be used to decorate them. This lesson can be used for elementary students and when working with students in special classes.
To have the students plan a breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu.
Paper and pencil.
The students will be given a list of foods from the basic food groups. Using the list, they will plan a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
When preparing foods in the classroom, it is a good idea to talk about the foods. “Where does peanut butter come from?” “How is it made?” “Why is it a nutritious snack?” Peanut butter can be easily made in the classroom and discuss the process.