Miller, John Seldon, M.D.
. New York: Atheneum 1974.
This book discusses from conception through pregnancy and includes childbirth and afterwards.
McCary, James Leslie.
McCary’s Human Sexuality
. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co. 1978.
Covers many of the physiological aspects of sexuality and includes a chapter that covers from conception through birth.
Bourne, Gordon with Danforth, David. M.D.
. New York: Harper and Row. 1975.
This book covers nearly every aspect of pregnancy and is good for rounding out the teachers’ background.
The Boston Women’s Health Collective.
Our Bodies Ourselves
. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1976.
The book covers many topics including abortion, pregnancy, and childbirth.
Burt, John J. and Linda Brower Meeks.
Education for Sexuality
. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. 1975.
This book provides diagrams and a section on pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation. It also makes suggestions on teaching this subject in junior and senior high.
Guttmacher Reports:
Teenage Pregnancy: The Problem That
Hasn’t Gone Away.
New York: The A Alan Guttmacher Institute. 1980.
This report tells of the nationwide findings and gives statistics on teenage pregnancy, teenagers bearing children, having abortions and many other topics. This can be ordered through Planned Parenthood.
Liley, H.M.I. M.D.
Modern Motherhood
. Random House. 1966.
Very simple and easy to understand looks at pregnancy from the mothers’ point of view and the babies point of view.