Myths, Fables an Folktales
Myths and their Meaning
Read the very short myth that retells the Golden Age of man under Cronus. Life was perfect for man in this period, paradise on earth, There was no war because there was no conflict. All men (there were no nomen) lived in peace and harmony. This age was followed by harsher, lees pleasant periods.
What does the fact that the golden men were all men tell you?
How real was the golden age? Could it have ever happened?
Why do you think the Greeks felt there was such an age? Why do you think the Greeks needed to believe there was such an age?
Why think such aa age existed under Cronus and not under Zeus?
Writing Assignment: What kind of golden age would you create. Pretend you are Cronus. Create a golden age for today. What kinds of things would you include and exclude?